aacupuncture in hand before fertility treatment

Acupuncture and fertility treatment

Acupuncture at Diers

At Diers Fertility Clinic, we offer acupuncture as part of the fertility treatment process.

Our staff, who are trained by Christina Klok—a certified midwife and RAB acupuncturist—provide this service. Christina has run her own clinic since 2008 and has supported countless women on their path to pregnancy.

We invited Christina to share her insights on the benefits of acupuncture in fertility treatment, which she outlines below.

Acupuncture in Denmark

Acupuncture, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is one of the world’s oldest medical practices.

In Denmark, it is the most widely used alternative treatment outside the public healthcare system, known primarily for its pain-relieving effects.

In the realm of fertility, acupuncture is gaining recognition as an effective supplement to conventional treatment.

How acupuncture supports fertility freatment

Acupuncture works by stimulating the body to achieve balance and strength. While hormone treatments provide external support, acupuncture enhances the body’s internal resources.

It is versatile and can complement various fertility treatments, such as insemination during a natural cycle or home conception efforts. It can also be combined with hormonal therapy to maximize results.

The impact of acupuncture on fertility

Targeting specific acupuncture points tailored to a woman’s menstrual cycle and treatment stage can improve blood flow to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This ensures optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery to the reproductive organs.

Acupuncture also helps relax the uterine muscles and reduces stress by stimulating points that promote relaxation and mental calm. Strengthening both the body and mind in this way enhances the chances of conception.

A meta-analysis has shown that acupuncture during IVF cycles can increase pregnancy success rates by up to 30% compared to standard IVF treatment alone.

Preparing for fertility treatment with acupuncture

“Preparing the soil before planting the seed” is a useful analogy for acupuncture’s role in fertility treatment. Starting acupuncture before insemination or embryo transfer during IVF allows the body to respond fully to the gentle stimulation provided by the ultra-thin needles.

Christina recommends beginning acupuncture sessions during the menstrual cycle leading up to your treatment. Weekly sessions can then continue until about a week after insemination or embryo transfer.

Acupuncture success story: Janni’s journey

Over the past 14 years, Christina has supported many women and couples in their quest to conceive, including Janni, whose story is particularly remarkable.

Janni experienced regular menstrual cycles but no ovulation. Hormone stimulation induced ovulation, but migraines, a side effect of the treatment, made it untenable. Acupuncture proved to be the solution: after just one session, Janni ovulated naturally, and she conceived in the next cycle.

When Janni and her partner wanted a second child, acupuncture again played a pivotal role, leading to another pregnancy after just a few sessions. Years later, Janni sought acupuncture a third time, which helped her conceive her third child.

Contact and next steps

Acupuncture is a unique and powerful tool for enhancing fertility treatment. We encourage anyone considering it to explore this option as part of their treatment at Diers Fertility Clinic.

For those interested in a more extensive acupuncture program before fertility treatment or during pregnancy, you can contact Christina directly through her website or email her at info@klok-akupunktur.dk.

Alternatively, if you reside in the UK, you can find a fertility acupuncture practitioner near you here

Good luck to all those undergoing fertility treatment!

Blog post written by Line, Fertility Coordinator at Diers Fertility Clinic.