Johanne, Fertility coordinator at Diers Fertility Clinic

Become an egg donor

As an egg donor at Diers Fertility Clinic, you help fulfil the biggest dreams.

You are compensated with DKK 7,200 per donation.

Read more at æ

What are the benefits of being an egg donor?

As an egg donor, you will receive compensation of 7,200 DKK per donation and can donate up to six times.

In addition to the financial compensation, becoming an egg donor also offers:

  • A comprehensive health check
  • An assessment of your fertility and egg reserve
  • The option to receive a free IUDl after donation

Most importantly, you’ll be helping others achieve their greatest dream of starting a family.

Your generosity is unparalleled, and the recipients of your eggs will be forever grateful.

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Become an egg donor – requirements

Here we have gathered the requirements you need to fulfil to be approved as an egg donor:

  • You must be between 18 and 35 years old
  • You must be in good health
  • You must have a BMI below 30
  • You must not have any genetic or hereditary diseases
  • You must not be adopted or a donor child

If you want to become an egg donor, having an IUD or using birth control pills/minipills is not a barrier.

If you are unsure whether you fulfil all the requirements or have specific questions regarding your health situation or similar, you can contact us at any time. We are ready to answer all your questions.

Get answers to frequently asked questions here

Egg donor at Diers Fertility Clinic


As an egg donor in Denmark, you are legally allowed to be compensated with DKK 7,200 per donation.

You are allowed to donate 6 times. This means you can receive up to DKK 43,200 for your donations.

In addition, you will get a fertility check, a health check and the opportunity to get a free IUD.

The egg donation process

When you want to donate your eggs, the process consists of 5 steps:

  • Initial interview
  • Medical consultation and examinations
  • Approval and contract signing
  • Start of donation cycle
  • Egg retrieval

Book conversation

During the consultation, we will go through the entire process. This way, you can make a well-considered decision whether or not you want to become an egg donor at Diers Fertility Clinic.

We would like to thank you in advance for considering becoming an egg donor with us. It means a lot to the entire team and our patients.