Single Mother by Choice podcast

The 12 best single mother by choice podcasts

Our top 12 podcasts for single mothers by choice

Diers Klinik recommends

Are you looking for relevant single mother by choice podcasts for inspiration or to get answers to your questions?

Seek no more. You have found what you’re looking for.

Diers Klinik is here to support and guide you through every step of the way.

We understand that being a single mother by choice comes with its own unique set of challenges and joys.

Whether you are a single mother by choice or considering embarking on this empowering journey, you can be sure to find an abundance of inspiration. 

Single mothers by choice podcasts

To assist you in navigating this path, we’ve compiled a list of the top 12 podcasts that cater to the experiences, insights, and advice relevant to single mothers by choice.

The podcasts we have selected cover a wide range of topics, from personal stories to expert advice, ensuring you find the guidance and inspiration you need.

Whether you are a single mother by choice or considering embarking on this empowering journey, you can be sure to find something relevant for you. 


1. The Stork and I

In The Stork and I, Mel Johnson from Southport in the UK explores donor conception as a route to parenthood for single people. Mel herself was single and wanted to start a family. Through fertility treatment with donor sperm she became the proud mum to the gorgeous baby Daisy.

In this single mother by choice podcast you’ll find a diverse range of episodes, providing valuable advice and inspiration about donor conception, solo motherhood, single parent rights and much more.


2. The Single mother Survival guide

The Single mother Survival guide is hosted by Julia Hasche, a single mother by choice from Australia. She interviews fellow single mums and experts on various aspects of single motherhood.

With a wealth of episodes, this single mother by choice podcast is a go-to resource for advice, inspiration, and community.


3. The single greatest choice

Join Katie on her journey towards single motherhood in The single greatest choice podcast. If you find yourself on a similar journey, we suggest you click the link to listen to Katie discussing topics such as singleness, fertility, motherhood, and her decision to be a single parent.

On her single mother by choice podcast, Katie offers support and a sense of community for women making significant decisions regarding parenthood.


4. Seeking Different – Single mother by choice

If you would like to delve into the topic of SMC from a child’s viewpoint, we warmly recommend the Seeking Different podcast hosted by Hera McLeod and her daughter Estela.

This single mother by choice podcast offers a unique perspective on navigating life as a non-traditional family. From donor sibling relationships to race relations, Seeking Different explores a wide range of topics, giving you a glimpse into the life of a single mum + child family.


5. Single Moms United

Ready to up your parenting game, especially as a single mum? We suggest you join Single Moms United to learn about experimenting in parenting, making better choices for your children, and enhancing parenting skills.

This podcast will encourage and motivate you in your everyday life as a single mother. With episodes varying in length, you’ll receive valuable advice on finances, parenting skills, and embracing your single mom power.

The podcast is intended for all single mothers, also single mothers by choice.


6. Choice Chats for Choice Mums

Choice Chat for Choice Mums is a podcast for single women who proactively choose motherhood. Podcast host Mikki Morrissette conducts interviews with single mothers by choice, allowing them to share their stories and experiences.

This single mother by choice podcast provides a platform to connect with others who have chosen this path.


7. Not by Accident

If you are looking for a very personal story from a single mother by choice, you should, follow Sophie Harper’s journey into single motherhood by choice.

The Not by Accident podcast offers a candid look at the challenges and triumphs she faces as she navigates this life-changing decision.


8. First-time mother by choice

The podcast explores the realities of your relationship with food and body image during pregnancy and motherhood. Host Dr. Emilia Thompson is a certified nutritionist and proud single mum by choice.

Previously known as “The Single Mother by Choice Podcast,” First-time mother by choice, also includes several episodes on being a single mother by choice.


9. SoloMoms! Talk

SoloMoms! Talk is for all solo (divorced, single, married, widowed) mums. Hosted by J. Rosemarie Francis, this podcast features interviews with other solo mothers and experts in the field.

Get insights into the unique challenges and triumphs of solo motherhood.


10. Motherhood Reimagined

The Motherhood Reimagined podcast, hosted by Sarah Kowalski, celebrates all paths to motherhood.

Whether you’re contemplating whether to become a single mother by choice, still trying to conceive, or already raising kids, this is the podcast to hear about single mums by choice who didn’t follow the rules as they share the heartache and joys of their paths.

Join this podcast for insightful conversations with Choice Mums sharing their experiences, or experts discussing fertility, donor conception, adoption, and more. 


11. The Single Mom Podcast

Created by Heather Wells, a single mother of three (including two with special needs), the Single Mom Podcast is all about inspiring and motivating single mums globally.

This podcast is for all single mums, not for single mums by choice in particular. However, Heather’s personal journey serves as a testament to the strength of all single mums.


12. No need for Prince Charming – Motherhood on your own terms

In No need for Prince Charming you can be inspired by Australian women who have taken motherhood into their own hands and become single mothers by choice without a partner. This could be via sperm donor, egg and sperm donor, or adoption.

Listen to their amazing journeys and what they went through to make their motherhood dreams come true when Plan A didn’t work out.


Podcast episodes about single mothers by choice

1. Define the Narrative

Enjoy this episode of The Define the Narrative Podcast where host Ann Argo welcomes her guests Jane Mattes, Mikki Morrissette, Sarah Kowalski, and Mali Bain as they discuss the last forty years of women creating a family of their own.

2. Stories of our times – Why single women are going to Denmark to become mothers:

Listen to this episode of Stories of our Times focusing on single women choosing Denmark as their destination to become mothers.

Hear our clinic founder, Liza Diers’ perspective on the subject. Gain insights into the experiences and choices of those who have pursued the path of single motherhood by choice with the help from Diers Klinik.

At Diers Klinik we make Single Women’s Baby Dreams come True

At Diers Fertility Clinic, we believe that every woman’s journey to motherhood is unique and deserves celebration.

During the years, our team at Diers Klinik has helped hundreds of single women fulfill their dream.

You can read some of these women’s stories in our blog:

It’s important to remember, that you’re not alone. There’s a whole community of strong, resilient, and inspiring women walking this path alongside you.

The personal stories of single mothers by choice in our blog and in the 12 podcasts testify to that.

Let Diers Klinik help you become a single mother by choice

Would you like to know how Diers Klinik can help you become a single mother by choice? 

Let us guide you!