
Get a genetic compatibility test before starting your fertility treatment.

This way you can be more confident that the donor you’ve chosen is a good genetic match for you.


Buy GeneMatch test today

What is the purpose of a GeneMatch test?

All sperm donors used for fertility treatments are thoroughly screened for the most common serious hereditary diseases to ensure they are healthy.

However, sperm banks cannot screen donors for all rare genetic mutations. Additionally, the donor is only half of the equation—your own genes also play a crucial role.

A GeneMatch test examines whether your genes and the donor’s genes are a healthy match.

Get peace of mind with a
GeneMatch test

Humans have two copies of every gene—one from the biological mother and one from the biological father.

We all carry an unknown number of genetic mutations that usually do not lead to genetic diseases.

If both biological parents have mutations in the same gene, the risk of passing on a recessive hereditary disease increases.

Reduce the risk of
hereditary disease

To minimise this risk, we offer you the option of taking a GeneMatch test.

This comprehensive genetic test analyses over 400 recessive hereditary diseases in your genes. It then compares these results with the genetic profile of your potential donor.

Avoid mutations
in the same gene

The test checks if you and your donor share mutations in the same gene. This can increase the risk of passing on one of 400 genetic diseases to your child.

With this knowledge, you can decide more confidently if the donor is the right match for you.

Mum and child in sunset

Gene match on Born’s sperm donors

You can add a GeneMatch test for most Born donors available for your treatment at Diers Fertility Clinic.

Currently, GeneMatch is not available for Livio donors through us.

If you want to order a GeneMatch test for an eligible donor, click “Buy GeneMatch Test” and complete the form.

Buy GeneMatch test

How much does it cost to check your compatibility with a sperm donor?

A GeneMatch test for one donor costs 1,125.

If the first test does not result in a good match, we offer a second GeneMatch test with another donor for free. This offer applies if you order the second test within one week of receiving the results of the first.

Buy GeneMatch test

3 possible results from the test

You can expect to receive one of the following three outcomes from the GeneMatch test:

You and the donor
are a good match

This means you and your donor do not share mutations in the same genes.

There is no risk of your child inheriting any of the 400+ diseases screened for in the GeneMatch test.

Your report result will state: “No incompatibility is observed.”

You and the donor are not a good match

You and the potential donor both carry mutations in the same gene. This increases the risk of passing on a hereditary disease to your child if you choose this donor.

Your report result will state: “Incompatibility is observed.”

In this case, we recommend selecting a different donor and conducting a new GeneMatch test. If you order within one week, the second test is free.

You have an
X-linked condition

One of your X chromosomes carries a disease-causing mutation in a gene that could result in a hereditary disease in a male child.

The test result will specify which gene is affected. Your choice of donor does not influence this outcome.

You should seek genetic counselling for guidance, as there is a high risk of passing on the affected X chromosome. Diers Fertility Clinic does not provide genetic counselling services.

How is the test carried out?

To carry out the genetic test, simply click “Buy GeneMatch Test” and complete the form, or email us with the details of the donor you wish to test against.

We will then send you a test kit. You will provide a saliva sample, which the testing laboratory will use to analyse your genes.

The test is conducted by Bioarray, a Spanish testing laboratory.

Taking the GeneMatch test is simple:

  • Collect a saliva sample following the instructions provided in the test kit.
  • Sign the enclosed consent form.
  • Place the saliva sample, consent form, and the included requisition form in the provided return envelope.
  • Schedule a courier pickup for the return envelope as instructed in the test kit.
  • The courier will deliver the envelope to the testing laboratory.

It can take up to six weeks for us to receive the results from the laboratory. We will email the results to you as soon as they arrive.

Buy GeneMatch test
Family on beach

Avoid your favourite donor selling out while waiting for results

To prevent your chosen donor’s sperm units from selling out, we recommend purchasing units and storing them in a sperm storage with us.

We suggest buying 1-3 donor units for storage. Once you receive the GeneMatch test results, you can add more units if needed.

If the test shows you are not compatible with your selected donor, we offer a free exchange (up to 3 units). The exchange will be with a donor in the same category, provided units are available.

The free exchange offer is valid for three months from the date of purchase.

GeneMatch – step by step

Check donor list

Check our donor list to see if GeneMatch testing is available for your chosen donor.

Test kit

We will send you an invoice and once you’ve paid, we’ll send you a test kit.

Saliva sample

Take a saliva sample according to the instructions in the test kit and sign the enclosed consent form.

Send the test to us

Send the reply envelope with the saliva sample, consent form and requisition form to the test laboratory by courier as instructed in the test kit.

Test result

Your test result will be ready within 6 weeks.

How will I get the results?

You will receive the result from us by email.

Explanation of genetic diseases

Learn about the inheritance of genetic diseases and why we test for compatibility.

Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in pairs, including two sex chromosomes (X and Y) and the rest, called autosomes.

Egg and sperm cells each contain 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome. Genes are located on chromosomes and are classified as either sex-linked or autosomal.

Humans have about 30,000 active genes and inherit two copies of each—one from the biological mother and one from the biological father.

A person can have a mutation in one gene without symptoms, meaning they carry a recessive genetic condition.

If both the mother’s and father’s genes are mutated, a recessive disease can develop. A GeneMatch test helps identify such risks.

Genetic diseases are classified as autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, X-linked, or Y-linked.

Read on to understand these types and the conditions the GeneMatch test screens for.

Autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant genetic diseases

Autosomal recessive genetic diseases

An autosomal recessive disease only occurs if both copies of a gene are mutated. This means that both biological parents must carry the mutation for the disease to be passed on. Therefore, it is important that both you and your donor are tested.

If both parents have the same mutation, there is a 50% chance that a child will carry the mutation (a healthy copy from the biological mother and a mutated copy from the biological father or vice versa), a 25% chance that they will not inherit it (a healthy copy from the biological mother and a healthy copy from the biological father), and a 25% chance that they will inherit both mutated genes and get the disease (a mutated copy from the biological mother and a mutated copy from the biological father).

If the gene match test shows incompatibility with the donor, there is a 25% chance that your child will inherit an autosomal recessive disease with that donor.

Autosomal dominant genetic diseases

An autosomal dominant disease occurs if one copy of a gene is mutated. This means that one of the biological parents must carry the mutated gene, and as a result, the individual will also be affected by the disease. Other family members will often have the same disease.

Sperm banks thoroughly screen all donors for autosomal dominant diseases during the approval process. So, no further testing is conducted for this type of genetic disorders.

X- and Y-linked genetic diseases

X- and Y-linked diseases affect the genes on the X and Y sex chromosomes, respectively.

Women and men have different sets of sex chromosomes—XX for women and XY for men.

Women inherit one X chromosome from each parent, while men inherit an X chromosome from their mother and a Y chromosome from their father.

Y-linked diseases

Only seen in male children. The Y chromosome is transferred from the biological father.

The donor has been screened for hereditary diseases, so there is no further testing for Y-linked diseases.

X-linked diseases

These diseases are rare in women because they require the same mutated gene from both parents.

Men, having only one X chromosome inherited from their mother, can develop X-linked diseases if they inherit a mutated gene from her.

There is a 50% risk of passing the disease gene to a child.

A GeneMatch test can identify certain X-linked mutations you may carry as a mother.



We all carry unknown recessive gene variants (mutations) that can be passed to our children.

Most people are unaware of these mutations and never experience symptoms.

If both biological parents carry a variant in the same gene, the child has a higher risk of developing a disease.

This risk applies to all children, whether conceived with donor sperm or not.

Although sperm donors are thoroughly screened, a small risk remains if both the donor and mother share a mutation.

If you want to reduce this risk significantly before pregnancy, GeneMatch is a great choice.

The test compares your genes with the donor’s to check for compatibility.

The general risk of biological parents passing on a recessive disease to their child is about 1 in 100, or 1%.

For women, the risk of carrying an X-linked disease is up to 1 in 200, or 0.5%.

No, a GeneMatch test cannot guarantee that your child will be free from genetic diseases.

While we match you and your donor and screen for many recessive diseases, a small residual risk remains.

This is because not all genes are tested, and new or unknown mutations may not be detectable through matching.

The price for a GeneMatch test with one donor is €1,125.

If the test does not show a good match, the next GeneMatch test is free. This offer applies if you order the second test within one week of receiving the first test results.

Yes, if you follow the instructions in the kit and fill the collection container to the fill-line, there is enough material for a genetic test. In some cases, it may be necessary to make a new sample if the material is not good enough.

No, you will not receive a full genetic profile or other thorough review of your genes. You will simply receive an answer as to whether your and the donor’s genes are a healthy match. This means that there is no risk of passing on any of the over 400 recessive hereditary diseases screened for in the GeneMatch test.

You have a mutation in the same gene as the donor, but neither of you are sick. You should choose another donor as there is a 25% risk of having a sick child.

It is not uncommon to have mutations in one or more genes. Diers Fertility Clinic is not told which gene the mutation is found in and therefore cannot provide further information about the specific mutation.

No, the testing laboratory does not need a new saliva sample. The lab can reuse the genetic material from the previous saliva sample if you order within 1 week of receiving the results of the first test.

The test results will tell you which X-linked disease it is. You should seek genetic counselling before proceeding with fertility treatment, as there is a high risk of passing on the diseased X chromosome to your future child.

Yes, but the blood sample must be taken at our clinic. Contact the clinic if you want to have a blood sample taken for the test instead of submitting a saliva sample yourself.

Do you have any questions?

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