Donor sperm storage
You can set up a storage account with us to store one or more units from your chosen sperm donor.
Feel free to contact us for guidance.
If you want to secure more units from a donor from Born Donor Bank or Livio Sperm Bank, you can place the sperm in storage with us.
It is cheaper and easier for you to set up the storage through us than to do it directly through the sperm bank.
We cover the delivery costs and you do not need to buy a Pregnancy Slot.
By setting up a storage with us, you can ensure the availability of sperm units from your preferred donor for multiple treatment attempts. This is especially a good idea if you are undergoing treatment in our IUI department.
This way, you don’t have to worry about the donor being sold out for your next IUI treatment.
You should also consider making a storage if you want to secure the same donor for future siblings.
Simply send us an email specifying which donor you would like to purchase and the desired storage period.
Please ensure you send your email to the correct department to ensure the storage account is set up appropriately for your chosen treatment:
Send an email to either the IUI or IVF department with the following information:
You will receive an email confirmation from us if your order is possible and an invoice. The invoice must be paid within 8 days.
Once you have sent proof of payment, we will set up the storage account at the clinic as quickly as possible. Once the account is established, we will email you a storage contract, which you will need to confirm.
Once the storage contract has been confirmed, you can start your treatment.
As a rule, the storage accounts are set up for 1 year at a time. It is your responsibility as a storage holder to ensure that the storage is extended before it expires.
On our pricing pages you can see the price of a storage in the clinic’s departments.
Prices IUI Prices IVF/Egg donationIf you become pregnant through fertility treatment and wish to have siblings using the same donor in the future, it’s advisable to secure donor units for potential future treatment.
A sperm storage account for siblings is especially important if your pregnancy resulted from intrauterine insemination (IUI). In cases of IVF/ICSI or egg donation treatment, any surplus fertilised eggs (blastocysts) are often stored for future sibling use.
Sperm donors participate voluntarily and can stop donating at any time. If this happens, no new units will be produced, and the donor may quickly sell out in the sperm bank.
Our experience shows that most women return for sibling treatment about 2-3 years after their first successful treatment. By that time, the same donors are often no longer available.
We strongly recommend securing sperm units from your donor for future siblings no later than during your pregnancy. These units can be stored in a storage account until needed.
We are always happy to advise you on setting up a sperm storage account.