Contact Diers IUI

Our IUI department is open 365 days a year. So, you can always get an appointment for insemination treatment if you have a positive ovulation test.

Book a free consultation for IUI treatment

Contact Diers IUI

Our IUI department is open every day from 9.00-16.00.

Our phone hours are from 9.00-13.00. You can call us on tel: +45 20 22 85 87.

You are also welcome to send us an email – even outside our opening hours. We always do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Please fill out the contact form below with any questions or if you would like to receive information material.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Find details on parking and accommodation close to the clinic

Diers IUI

Store Torv 8, 3
8000 Aarhus C

+45 20 22 85 87

Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday: 09.00-16.00

Telephone hours

Monday to Sunday: 09.00-13.00

Find your way

To the clinic:

Click and get directions to the clinic

To Navitas Car Park:

Navitas parking
Click and get directions to Navitas

Always free initial consultation

If you want to learn more about IUI treatment options at Diers Fertility Clinic, you can book a free initial consultation at any time. It is completely non-binding.
We offer consultations every day of the week, Monday-Sunday, from 10:00-15:00.
On selected weekdays we also offer evening consultations. Find a time that suits you in our booking calendar.

Special opening hours

We are open 365 days a year

To maximise your chances of becoming pregnant, our IUI department is open every single day of the year – including holidays and weekends.

At Diers IUI, we guarantee that you can always come for insemination treatment during your current cycle, provided you have completed the initial consultation and the necessary blood tests are available.

Simply notify us of your arrival before 10:00 AM if you wish to book a same-day appointment. For insemination with donor sperm, you must arrive at the clinic by 3:00 PM at the latest. The last appointment for treatment with partner sperm is at 2:00 PM.

Christmas opening hours

On the 24th and 25th of December, the clinic will also be open for insemination treatments.

On these days, our hours are from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This means the latest appointment for treatment with donor sperm is at 12:00 PM, and for treatment with partner sperm, it is at 11:00 AM.

For all other days between Christmas and New Year, the clinic will be open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

badehus, Aarhus Ø

Stay in our cosy bathhouse in Aarhus Ø

With only three metres to the water, this is a unique place to stay. The location is directly on the pier in the iconic Bjarke Ingels tiny house-style bathhouse.
You’ll be at the heart of Aarhus’ vibrant, urban life in the trendy Aarhus Ø district. This area features cutting-edge architecture and a wide range of activities to explore.
Enjoy restaurants for all budgets, street food, take-away, and cosy coffee and ice cream parlours.
Read more about the bathhouse here Get directions to the bathhouse

Kontakt Diers IVF

Vores IVF-afdeling er åben fra kl. 08.00 til 16.00 fra mandag-torsdag. Om fredagen lukker afdelingen kl. 15.30.

Selvom afdelingen befinder sig på 4. sal, skal du gå ind på 3. sal, hvorfra du kan følge trappen op på 4. sal, når du har en tid hos os.

Vores telefontider i IVF-afdelingen er fra kl. 08.00 – 14.00 i hverdagene.
Du kan ringe til os på vores hovedtelefon: 31 74 54 04.

Er du igangværende patient, bedes du ringe på: 53 71 54 04

Er du ægdonor hos Diers IVF, kan du ringe på: 53 58 54 04

Du må også meget gerne sende en mail til os – også uden for vores åbningstider. Vi gør altid vores bedste for at vende tilbage hurtigst muligt.

Udfyld gerne nedenstående kontaktformular med evt. spørgsmål eller hvis du ønsker at få informationsmateriale ang. IVF-behandling eller ægdonation tilsendt.

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!