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Pre-IVF tests and scans in the UK

Before starting IVF with us, you’ll need to complete required blood tests.

During the process, you’ll also need scans, which can be done in London and sent to us.

For both, consider our trusted partner, Sirkka Health in the UK.

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Test and scan services at Sirkka Health

Sirkka Health offers affordable, accurate diagnostic tests and pre-IVF scans in London for individuals planning fertility treatments or surgeries abroad.

They provide flexible options for testing, including in-clinic appointments or at-home test services, with quick results.

You can find information about testing options and prices on Sirkka’s website, within the section for Diers Fertility Clinic under International Treatments.

List of pre-IVF tests

Which tests: HIV 1 & 2 (Anti-HIV 1,2), Hepatitis B (HBs Ag and Anti-HBc) and Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV Ab).

Description: The Danish Health Authority requires that all patients get tested for these infectious diseases before starting fertility treatment.

Which tests: TSH, TPO, Ferritin, D-vitamin, Clamydia (swab test), Gonorre (swab test)

Description: These pre-IVF tests evaluate overall health, check for infections, and ensure optimal levels of key hormones and nutrients to support fertility and pregnancy readiness.

Which test: HIV 1 & 2 (Anti-HIV 1,2), Hepatitis B (HBs Ag and Anti-HBc), Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV Ab) and vitamin D.

Description: The Danish Health Authority requires that all patients get tested for these infectious diseases before starting fertility treatment. Vitamin D plays a critical role in various aspects of male reproductive health.

Which test: AMH, FSH, LH, Prolaktin, TSH, TPO, Ferritin, D-vitamin, Clamydia (swab test), Gonorre (swab test)

Description: These tests assess hormonal balance, ovarian reserve, nutrient levels, thyroid function, and screen for infections. They provide a comprehensive overview of reproductive health, ensuring the body is prepared for the IVF process and increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Which test: Rubella IgG

Description: The Rubella test checks for immunity to the rubella virus (German measles). It is important before IVF to confirm protection against rubella, as infection during pregnancy can cause severe complications for the baby, including congenital defects.

Which test: Progesterone

Description: Progesterone is a hormone that affects the endometrium during and after ovulation. Most women without fertility problems have a normal progesterone level.
If the progesterone level is too low, it can affect whether a fertilised egg implants.
Progesterone can be tested in a blood test at certain times of the menstrual cycle. If the level is too low, you can get a supplement of the hormone after the insemination.

How to book the testing at Sirkka

You can book the blood tests on Sirkka Health’s website:

  1. Click International Treatments
  2. Scroll down and find Diers Fertility Clinic
  3. Choose the test profile (choose IVF Diers Test Profile 1 for the the mandatory test package).

If problems accur during booking process, please contact Sirkka here. You can also use the same contact form if you would like to book a home visit test.

You can also send an e-mail to:

The map shows the areas in the UK covered by Sirkka Health.

Sirkka IUI-test in the UK

Ultrasound scans for IVF

Our UK partner, Sirkka can also facilitate contact with a scanning clinic in the London area that can perform ultrasound scans, e.g.:

  • Follicle scan: Transvaginal scan with measurement of follicle size (to confirm development of a leading follicle) and thickness of endometrium.
  • Pregnancy scan: Early pregnancy scan (weeks 6-9) to confirm heartbeat.

Please contact us for more information.