Fertility treatment for heterosexual couples
Here, we provide an overview of your options for fertility treatment using partner’s sperm.
When pregnancy tests come back negative cycle after cycle, it can leave many couples feeling upset, frustrated, confused, and sometimes hopeless.
At Diers Fertility Clinic, you don’t need to have been trying for a year to start fertility treatment. Additionally, you can begin treatment with us without waiting, even if you are on a waiting list for public healthcare services.
Fertility treatment covers a wide range of options, and it can be overwhelming to navigate them all. On this page, we will introduce you to the different treatment possibilities available to you.
If the woman is healthy with a natural menstrual cycle and the man’s sperm quality is not severely reduced, IUI (intrauterine insemination) is typically the first step in fertility treatment.
IUI is the most natural form of fertility treatment, requiring no hormones or invasive medical intervention.
At ovulation, the man’s sperm is purified and introduced directly into the woman’s uterus using a catheter, allowing fertilisation to occur naturally within the body.
A pregnancy test can be taken 14 days after the insemination.
If IUI treatment is unsuccessful after a few attempts, you may consider moving on to IVF treatment. If the man’s sperm quality is significantly reduced or contains no sperm cells, ICSI treatment or even TESA/PESA may be options.
IVF/ICSI treatment, also known as in vitro fertilisation, is more invasive than insemination and involves several steps.
The process begins with hormone therapy to prepare for egg retrieval. The retrieved eggs are then fertilised with the man’s sperm in our IVF laboratory. If the fertilised eggs develop as expected, a blastocyst is transferred back into the uterus.
A blood test 10 days after the transfer can confirm whether or not pregnancy has been achieved.
If pregnancy cannot be achieved after several IVF or ICSI attempts due to the woman’s eggs not maturing properly or menopause, we offer IVF/ICSI with donated eggs.
In this process, you select an egg donor who will then undergo hormone treatment and egg retrieval. The retrieved eggs are fertilised with the partner’s sperm and developed into blastocysts in our laboratory.
Once the blastocyst stage is reached, one blastocyst is transferred to the uterus.
A blood test 10 days after the transfer will determine whether pregnancy has been achieved.
In some cases, the man’s sperm quality may be so reduced that it cannot be used for fertilisation. If this is the case, we also offer treatment with donor sperm.
You can choose a sperm donor through us, and we’re happy to assist with a photo match if desired.
The following treatments are available with sperm donation:
It’s not always easy to determine which fertility treatment is best suited for you. Factors such as the woman’s age and the man’s sperm quality play a significant role in the chances of success.
To ensure you are well-prepared before starting treatment, a fertility screening can be a helpful step.
A fertility screening can provide answers about the woman’s egg reserve, the man’s sperm quality, and whether the fallopian tubes are open.
The screening also includes a consultation with a fertility specialist to help guide your decisions.