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Tests and examinations before IUI

Learn more about the preliminary tests required before starting IUI treatment.

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Preparation before the insemination treatment

Before starting insemination treatment, there are a few preparations to complete. For most, this involves just a couple of blood tests, which need to be done before the treatment can begin.

You can have the tests taken in your home country before coming for treatment.

You are welcome to have the initial consultation even before having the blood tests done.

Please note that in Denmark, we are only permitted to treat women up to their 46th birthday.

Mandatory tests before fertility treatment

The following tests are required by law and must be available with a negative test result before the first treatment:

  • HIV (Anti-HIV 1+2)
  • Hepatitis B (HBs Ag and Anti-HBc)
  • Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV Ab)

It is a requirement that the samples are no more than 3 months old at the start of treatment. After that, they are valid for 2 years.

During the initial consultation, we can guide you on how to get the tests done.

Where can I get the mandatory blood tests for IUI taken?

There are several ways to get the blood tests done:

At your GP/healthcare practitioner

Your GP/healthcare practitioner will accept to take the blood tests in some cases.

However, we often hear from clients who face difficulties getting tests done through their GP.

At Sirkka Health or TDL

If you’re in the UK and struggling to request tests from your GP, we recommend our trusted partners, Sirkka Health and TDL (The Doctors Laboratory).

Read more about pre-IUI testing in the UK

With us

If you plan to travel to Denmark before the day of treatment, we can arrange to take the tests here at the clinic.

Please contact us for further information on how to book a test appointment.  

See our test prices
Babyhånd holder mors hånd, pris insemination

Recommended tests for IUI that are not mandatory

The following tests are recommended but not required:

  • Chlamydia swab if you have had unprotected sex with a non-regular partner,
  • Cervical smear test should be performed within the last 12 months,
  • Rubella antibody test – if you’re unsure whether you’ve been vaccinated against rubella,
  • Vitamin, protein, and hormone levels: Testing for Vitamin D, B12, Ferritin (iron stores), and TSH (thyrotropin). Optimal levels can significantly impact your chances of conceiving. Ferritin and B12 testing are especially recommended if you’re vegetarian or vegan,
  • Egg reserve test (AMH) – AMH is an indicator of your egg reserve, i.e. how many eggs you have left,
  • Progesterone – low progesterone levels can make it harder for a fertilised egg to implant in the uterus, affecting the establishment of pregnancy.
Ultrasound scan before IUI

Tubal Patency Test (HSU)

Are your fallopian tubes open?

A key requirement for becoming pregnant through insemination is having open fallopian tubes.
Sperm—and later the fertilised egg—must be able to pass through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus, where the fertilised egg can implant in the uterine lining and establish pregnancy.
If your fallopian tubes are blocked, insemination will not result in pregnancy. In this case, you may need to explore other treatment options, such as IVF.
While most people have good tubal patency, it’s worth considering a tubal assessment in certain cases.

A tubal patency test (HSU) is recommendable:

  • If you suspect that scar tissue may have formed in your fallopian tubes, for example due to:
  • A previous uterine/tubal infection,
  • A previous chlamydia infection,
  • A previous gonorrhoea infection,
  • If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, which can cause adhesions of the fallopian tubes.

In such cases, you should consult a gynaecologist to undergo an HSU (tubal patency test) to determine if your fallopian tubes are open. 

Alternatively, our IVF department can perform the HSU and help you decide whether insemination or IVF treatment is the best option for you. Contact us to book a tubal patency test (HSU) with our IVF department.

Learn more about HSU

We have no BMI requirements for IUI

We offer IUI treatment to all women, and unlike most clinics in Denmark, our IUI department has no BMI restrictions for insemination procedures. The only requirement is that you are healthy and have a regular menstrual cycle.
Even if you are overweight, you can begin treatment without needing to lose weight first.
Learn more about why we don't have BMI requirements for IUI

How can I best prepare for insemination treatment?

Fertility treatment and the journey to pregnancy can sometimes be a challenging process for both body and mind.

Therefore, in the period leading up to your treatment, it’s a good idea to focus on taking care of your body, prioritising rest, and ensuring you get enough sleep. Doing so can help you feel more prepared and supported during the process.

Learn how to optimise your chances of pregnancy