Side effects of insemination (IUI)

Insemination is the most gentle fertility treatment and the procedure is associated with very few side effects.

Read more about IUI treatment here

Insemination (IUI) has few side effects

Insemination (IUI) is the fertility treatment that generally causes the fewest side effects.

The vast majority of people experience no side effects with this gentle treatment method.

However, some women may experience mild or temporary symptoms during treatment.

Julia explaining the IUI procedure at Diers Fertility Clinic

Side effects of IUI

Here are the most common side effects of insemination (IUI):

Some women may experience mild cramping in the lower abdomen during or after the procedure. These cramps are often short-lived and rarely require treatment.

Light bleeding may occur after the procedure when the catheter is inserted into the cervix. This is usually not serious and disappears quickly.

There is a small risk of infection when the catheter is inserted into the uterus. However, the risk of infection is minimal as we use sterile procedures.

Side effects of hormone use

If hormones are used in treatment, the following side effects may occur:

Women receiving hormone therapy along with IUI may experience mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness and headaches. These symptoms often disappear after treatment.

IUI combined with hormone stimulation increases the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy, which can lead to a higher risk of pregnancy complications.

Do you have questions about IUI treatment? Send us a message – or contact us here