Helle, CEO for medarbejdere i Diers IVF

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Lesbisk par hvor den ene er gravid efter fertilitetsbehandling

7 January 2025

Denmark’s new law on partner egg donation spurs interest among British couples

Denmark’s new law on egg donation, effective January 1, 2025, is generating significant interest among British couples, particularly lesbian couples seeking shared motherhood options abroad. 
Read more in the Psychreg article here Read more in the article in MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk here

21 November 2024

Reciprocal IVF (partner egg donation) becomes legal in Denmark

From 1 January 2025, lesbian couples will be able to donate eggs to their partner, even if there is no medical reason for it.

A change in the law opens the door for both women in a couple to have a stronger biological connection to the child. This new option, enables more individuals to access treatments that align with their desires and needs.

At Diers Fertility Clinic, we welcome the change in the law and are waving the rainbow flag. 🏳️‍🌈 It’s a significant milestone for autonomy and inclusion in the fertility field!

Many of our patients have already expressed interest in reciprocal IVF, and our IVF department is fully prepared to offer this treatment. We look forward to many benefiting from this opportunity when the law takes effect at the beginning of the new year.

Read the press release about the law change
Two pregnant women