Sperm and egg

Which sperm donor category is best for you?

Before starting treatment, it is a good idea to consider what sperm donor category you prefer.  Is important for you that the donor is either open or closed. No sperm donor category that is more correct than the other. It is an individual choice that you must be happy with and feel fits your needs and situation.

We know that it is an important choice for life that you are going to make. Therefore. we want to support you in the process in the best way possible. We would like to present the two donor categories to you here. In that way, you have the best conditions for making a well-considered decision.

Regardless of which category you decide on, you must not forget that the donor will always only be a donor. The donor will never be considered a father for the child.

We recommend you read about the two donor categories.

Whatever donor category you choose, we can guarantee you that you will be happy with the result! So far, we have never received any “complaints” about the thousands of fantastic children we have helped to create.

Happy reading!

/ Line, Fertility Coordinator at Diers Klinik

Sperm donors from two Scandinavian sperm banks

Here at Diers Klinik, we collaborate with two sperm banks: Born Donor Bank and Livio Sperm Bank. This means that you can very easily reserve a donor from these sperm banks directly through us at fair prices.

The two sperm banks recruit donors from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland with a wide variety of ethnicities.

If you prefer a donor from another sperm bank for your treatment here at the clinic, this is of course also an option.

No ID-Release

Our ”No ID-release” sperm donors are from Born Donor Bank.

If you decide to use a No ID-Release donor, this means that the identity of the donor will remain anonymous to the child. It will therefore never be possible for the child to know who the donor is.

However, this does not mean that you cannot get any information about the donor. On Born’s website you can read a short profile of the donor. In addition to basic information such as height, weight, hair colour, eye colour and education/job, there will be a profile text available, written by the sperm bank’s employees. Here they talk about the donor and the impression he leaves on them. This gives you an idea of ​​which person is hiding behind the profile.

Donors in this category are also asked if they want to attach a child photo to their profile. With the donors who have agreed to this, you will often be able to see up to 3 child photos of the donor. If no child photos appear on the website, the donor has said no to this.

In terms of price, “No ID-release” donors are cheaper than “ID-release/Open” donors.

We know that many have considerations about whether they are making too limited a choice on behalf of the child if they choose a No ID-Release donor. The most important thing is that you must choose the donor you are most comfortable with.

Instead of thinking of it as a choice made on behalf of the child, think of it as a decision that means the child is not faced with the dilemmas that come with having an open donor. For instance, a donor child from a No ID-Release donor will never have to consider whether he or she wants to meet the donor – and whether the donor might be disappointed if the child opts out of contacting the donor.

We can recommend you read the story of Emma, ​​who is the donor child of an anonymous donor, and who is happy that her donor is not open. You can also read Esther’s story to learn how a child reacts to the fact that the donor is anonymous, and what thoughts she has about him. In Liza’s story you can read about the choice of donor from af parent’s perspective.

No ID release, max. 25 or max. 75

The specification max. 25 or max. 75 shows the number of family formations worldwide that Born Donor Bank has set for the donor in question. This will appear on Born’s website under the individual donor profiles.

For donors in the category “No ID-release, max. 25″, the sperm bank has set a max. limit of 25 families worldwide, and the “No ID-release, max. 75″ donors have a max. limit of 75 families worldwide.

For donors in the No ID-release category, max. 25 there will often be an extended profile with more detailed information about the donor.


We can offer open donors from both Born Donor Bank and Livio Sperm Bank. At Born, open donors are called “ID-release” donors, while at Livio, the term “Open” donor is used. Although the name is different in the two sperm banks, it is roughly the same terms that apply.

Both the “ID-release” donors from Born and the “Open” donors from Livio have agreed in advance that the sperm bank can disclose their identity to the donor child when the child is 18 years old.

When the child turns 18, she/he will be able to contact the sperm bank. The sperm bank will subsequently release contact information or identifying information on the donor to the child.

The child will then be able to contact the donor and request a meeting or other form of contact with the donor. Here the child will be able to ask the donor questions. However, the sperm banks do not guarantee that the donors agree to meet or have contact with the child.

Even if the donor agrees to meet with the child, the child must have no expectation that a relationship or regular contact with the donor will develop. It is important to remember that the donors in this category have agreed to be an open donor more than 18 years ago. Of course, a lot has happened in the donor’s life since then.

Only the child can request contact with the donor. The donor will not be able to contact the child. You, as a parent/parents, will not have the opportunity to be informed of the donor’s identity either.

In terms of price, the “ID-release/Open” donors are more expensive than the “No ID-release” donors.

For the Born donors, it will be possible for you as future parents to download an extended profile with a lot of information about the donor before you choose. The donors have filled in a long questionnaire with information about themselves and their family, and there will be photos of the donor as a child. In addition, the donor has written a handwritten letter, and the sperm bank’s employees have written a description of the impression the donor leaves on them, and they have found a look-a-like for the donor. That way, you can get an idea of ​​what the donor is like as a person and what he looks like.

For the Livio donors, you as future parents can select the donor based on basic information such as height, weight, hair colour, eye color and level of education/job. Most donor profiles also contain child photos, and on some donors, you can get a personality analysis.

Number of family formations worldwide for “ID-Release” and “Open” donors

Born uses the specification max. 25 or max. 75, which shows the maximum number of family formations worldwide that the sperm bank has set for the donor in question. This will appear on Born’s website under the individual donor profiles.

For donors in the category “ID-release, max. 25″, the sperm bank has set a max. limit of 25 families worldwide, and for “ID-release, max. 75″ donors there is a limit of 75 families worldwide.

Livio’s “Open” donors all have a maximum number of family formations worldwide of 25.

Still in doubt?

If you have any questions or need further guidance on the choice of donor category, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.