Important information regarding Covid-19 and the treatment at Diers Klinik
You can contact us by phone every day between 9 and 10 o’clock. You can also send us an e-mail:
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Updated 11-01-2022
When you come from abroad, you need to show a negative COVID-19 test (within the last 48 hours or 72 hours for PCR) when entering the country.
We will ask everyone to wear a mask when you visit our clinic. Our employees will wear masks as well, when they move around in the clinic.
We have been in regular contact with the Danish Patient Safety Authority. If you meet the criteria below, you should contact the clinic by phone or email to arrange an appointment for an insemination treatment. If you want a time on the same day, we need to hear from you before 10 am.
We have the following requirements for the women, who come to the clinic for a treatment:
- You must feel completely healthy, you schould not even have a cold
- You must not be in quarantine
- You should wear a mask in the clinic
- You must not have the following symptoms: fever, cough or breathing difficulties
- We need a feedback, if you should be tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days after treatment at Diers Klinik
- You will receive a warm smile at your arrival – we do not shake hands
- You are welcome to bring your partner
Please take care of yourself and each other.
Best regards
Team Diers Klinik